
Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Spiders are cool

 Do you like spiders if you do i know some facts  i have some facts about spiders on a slide.

heres a link 

heres some facts

Spider don’t produce faeces or urine.

All spiders produce silk.

Spiders don't have teeth.

have you ever seen a venom's spider.

Monday, September 20, 2021


 On average, Pluto is a distance of 39.5 astronomical units, or AU, from the sun. That is almost 40 times farther from the sun than.

  • Pluto has seven moons.

  • Pluto has an atmosphere:..

  • A day on Pluto is 6.4 earth days.

  • Pluto is named after a roman god.

  • Pluto was reclassified from a planet to a dwarf    planet in 2006 ...

  • Pluto is made up of frozen nitrogen, methane, and carbon monoxide ices.

  • Pluto's snow is red.

Kia kaha

 On ratu/Tuesday 14 of mahuru. at 12pm our akomanga took part

in the national reo maori moment. we went

and joined tangaroa in our papa whakari & called out KIA KAHA!.

Heres a video down below.

Te reo maori means aroha and history to me.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Pic Collage

 Today we got to make a pic collage. We got to buddy up i buddied up with my friend TK a.k.a Takairoa.

We took photos of things with letters in our names. if we couldn't find something we could find pictures on the web.  

i really enjoyed when we were taking photos.

Here is a photo of my work 

Something i struggled with is time management. 

Thank you for coming to my blog hopeful you liked it bye.


Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Kids in space

Yesterday we started learning about space in the morning, we went to something called kids in space.
We got to wear space suits and then we watched how to eat, in space and space launches.
We also made diy rockets with straw and paper then we, made flip books about the moon phases.
When we finished our flip books and rockets we watched a video of people, spinning a fidget spinner in space.
Then at then at the end we did bounce patrol.
Have you ever been to space?

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Korean culture

 In the past week we’ve been learning about different cultures. In my group I had Miriam, Pippin, Te Paea, me and Eva. As a group we had to choose what culture we wanted to do and we chose Korean. We had to research their traditional things they do/have such as Traditional clothing, music, games, kai, holidays, location and then beliefs and values. 

After we had our information we shared on a slide, we had to make a poster about it with the information about the topics we had to research about. We also added photos. 

I did the music traditions and holidays.



Tuesday, June 29, 2021

waka mahi

 Today for our mahi we got put into groups with the year 8,7,6, and 4's. The people in my group was Te Paea, Pippin,and Eva. The other groups had to find out stuff about the other waka but my group had to find out about the fleet which is the 7 different waka. For the first 2 blocks we had to research about the 7 waka and at the end of the second block we started making a sheet of all the research we found and had to add a border with Maori patterns as well as pictures of waka. 

Friday, June 25, 2021

Koala Bears

Koalas aren’t bears, they are actually marsupials.

Marsupials are a members of pouched species.

Koalas look soft and they have grey fur and a black nose and ears.


Koalas live in the eucalyptus forest because their favourite food grows there.

Koalas live in Australia. 


Koalas eat eucalyptus leaves.

Koalas also eat grass.


Fun facts

Koalas have pouches.

Koalas do sleep at night.

Koalas have a good sense of smell.

The family that koalas are in is called the phascolarctidae.

thank's for reading my blog

Monday, June 14, 2021

How to use doubling and halving.

 Today we have been learning how to use a new maths strategy doubling and halving. You may ask what is halving and doubling? It is a strategy to solve multiplication equations such as a question like 25 x 16.

First you choose what number to double.

25 x 2 = 50

Then you halve the other number.

16 divided by 2 = 8

Now our new equation is 

50 x 8 =

You can keep doing this..

100 x 4 = 400

It make the multiplication so much easier.

Have you ever you used this maths strategy.

Thank you for reading my blog


Thursday, June 3, 2021

Koru art


                                             This is my Koru art that we've been doing for release team.

I like the red in the middle.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Manas awesome adventures

at camp we had fun but before we went to camp.we waited in the hall and. waited for the bus when to camp we made our bed. our first activity.was Archery our second.activity was sky sailing day we did raft building.and then we did air rifle.shooting after that we. did the water slide then.we went kayaking it was very funny.and that's it thanks for reading.bye hope you. enjoyed the end.